We’ve all had the experience of driving down the road when suddenly *WHACK*, a rock hits your windshield and you’re left with a nice little star in your glass.
Many times, people simply call a glass company and open up a claim with insurance to replace the windshield. What most don’t realize is that insurance carriers are starting to increase rates for comprehensive claims. A glass claim is a comprehensive claim. If you don’t replace your windshield very often, you likely won’t be affected – but if you’re replacing your windshield multiple times per year, it’s probably attributing to a higher insurance bill. Luckily, Premier Choice Insurance quotes through dozens of top rated insurance carriers to help you maintain stable rates.
Why are insurance companies doing this?
Insurance companies are for profit. They look at where they are losing money and make adjustments accordingly. On many newer model cars windshields cost anywhere from $700-1200. If you replace 2 of those per year, more than likely that’s more than your entire auto insurance premium lost by the insurance company.
So, whats the alternative?
If you can, Repair instead of Replace. If a chip/crack is smaller than a credit card it usually can be repaired. Many reputable glass companies will fix chips in your windshield for free if you’ve used them for a replacement in the past. If not, repairs can be covered by insurance and you’ll have a $30-40 claim instead of $700+.
Our goal is to keep you informed and help you maintain stable insurance rates. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions!